Rescue Pilot: Cheating the Sea, by Jerry Grayson
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Rescue Pilot: Cheating the Sea, by Jerry Grayson
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Jerry Grayson is an ordinary man who chose an extraordinary career. At age 17 he became the youngest helicopter pilot to ever serve in the Royal Navy. By age 25 he was the most decorated peacetime naval pilot in history. For the Navy's Search and Rescue pilots, getting to work is both an adventure and an ordeal. Whether rescuing a wounded fighter pilot who has ditched in the sea, saving desperate survivors from a sinking ship, or picking up a grievously ill crewman from the deck of a nuclear-armed submarine that is playing a cat-and-mouse game with the Soviet navy, Jerry Grayson has lived a life of unparalleled excitement and adventure. His finest hour came during the infamous Fastnet Yacht Race of 1979 in which 25 yachts were lost. When a catastrophic storm enveloped the competitors he and his crew pushed their Wessex helicopter to its absolute limits and put their own lives at risk, flying into hurricane-force winds to winch shipwrecked sailors from heaving tempestuous seas. An investiture at Buckingham Palace with Her Majesty the Queen was the result. Being a Rescue Pilot is a fast-paced career because there is no choice. Lives are at stake and pilots must move and think fast. Jerry Grayson's inside view of this heroic service is as inspirational as it is celebratory. Excitingly told, frequently funny but also very poignant, Jerry's story is not an account of just one man's deeds, it is a salute to all the men and women he worked with who were able to turn tragedies into triumphs.Includes a Foreword by HRH The Duke of York, Prince Andrew, Commodore-in-Chief of the Fleet Air Arm.
Rescue Pilot: Cheating the Sea, by Jerry Grayson- Amazon Sales Rank: #639456 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-03-12
- Released on: 2015-03-12
- Format: Kindle eBook
Review "There can be no more gripping account of the highs and lows of life as a helicopter pilot. This is a hugely entertaining, informative and easy-to-read book" - Pilot Magazine
“Interesting to read a different viewpoint of that tragic Fastnet Race. Grayson's recollection is moving: it reads like a roll-call of terror.” ―Sailing Today
"Grayson's intimate reminiscence unlocks the secrets to a rich life." ―Aviation History
About the Author Jerry Grayson served in the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm for eight years, in the course of which he was presented with the Air Force Cross by the Queen for outstanding gallantry in search and rescue. Since leaving the Navy he has become one of the film industry's leading helicopter pilots, designing and shooting aerial action sequences for James Bond films as well as hundreds of commercials and footage for documentaries. He now lives in Australia.
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Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. The Making of the Man By Katharine Kirby The Making of the ManAs I have lived below the helicopter flight path from RNAS Culdrose, in Cornwall, on the Helford River, for forty-five years, my ears pricked up when I heard Jerry Grayson chatting about this book in BBC Radio 4 last week. Even more so, when he referred to his role in the rescue of so many yachtsmen from the Fastnet Race, in August 1979. One click from amazon, and this impressive memoir of Jerry Grayson AFC’s flying career was winging its way to me. I chose the hardback so as to enjoy the photos, and to be able to lend it to the friends I immediately knew would also be interested. These include men who served with him, as we got to know several of the names he mentioned when they were all ‘aboard’ HMS Seahawk.The whole collection of tales are truly thrilling but what stands out a mile is the early maturity and rapid rise (!) of a 17 year old entrant to the Royal Navy who knew, that above all, he wanted to fly. The way he was taught and his aptitude for learning every lesson so well that he could recall advice decades later, shows him to be an exceptionally strong character, one well worth getting to know.At first I felt I had strayed too far into macho territory as the beginning of the book is thick with detail of ‘airframes’, the various familiar breeds of helicopter, and their flying requirements, so much so that I almost felt I could start up, fly and land one myself, maybe even with one wheel on a rock! The exercises I have watched them carry out over the years, on the coast around here, and at the much attended Air Day, began to make more sense and I was grateful to be able to understand more of their training and roles.However halfway through this all really does take off with the more human stories of his experiences in SAR Search and Rescue from the local base. My husband and son are commercial inshore fishermen from our quay here and so we have never minded the clatter and drone of their engines over us, even for night flying practice into the small hours. The almost incredible speed with which they can clamber into their air craft and set off on their mercy mission, 90 seconds, is reassuring to all who may find themselves in need of a helping hand from the sky.Jerry has a happy knack of introducing humour and irony to great effect. Now that he has left the Royal Navy, he can spill some beans, both amusing and shocking, showing the way men such as he can cope with what can be hours of boredom interspersed with moments of terror. This book comes alive big time with his memories, backed up by his logs, of the most dramatic events requiring his immediate response.Later as he writes about his new career as a commercial and film pilot, it is fascinating how he has adapted to civilian life and made a name for himself in their specialist field. I loved this book, it made me smile it made me cry and it made me feel closer to the men in the machines who I watch as they go over, sometimes waving down to me from the open doors with their gloved hands and big smiles. Well done all and thank you for being there.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Praise from a Yank who had no idea what to expect By Mark Sher I got this book on the recommendation of a friend from England and I was frankly skeptical as the idea of a Royal Navy helicopter pilot's story wasn't exactly my cup of tea as they say. I expected this was going to be a bit technical and over my head since I was never in the armed forces and I am an American. I was so wrong. This is an engrossing book filled with amazing stories of what it's like living day to day on an aircraft carrier, working with other armed forces from other countries, going on a suspenseful chase of a Soviet submarine, and then there's this mind blowing rescue of a yacht race gone bad. There is incredible detail in the steps it takes for each member of the rescue team to bravely pluck someone out of the sea - it's at once seemingly impossible and yet it's spelled out as something methodical and doable (hope that made sense). And it's not all about the military - there are rescues of drunk vacationers and stories about Grand Prix racing. There's humorous anecdotes like you'd expect and also some heartbreaking ones. Well done, Lt. Grayson - congratulations, and as a plain old American with nothing in common, thank you for your service.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent read this book cover to cover in one hit! By Jason Goodwin Very well put together. read it in a single session as I couldn't put it down. Jerry should live in Brisbane!
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